2010 – 2019.
2010-002 (Photo Peter Carlton). Rod Kelly; Peter Carlton; Tony Pipkin; Tim Jones;
Terry McGrath; Bob Boucher; Tim McGrath.
2010-003. (Photo Andy Peate). John Smith.
2010-005. (Photo Bev Pegg). John Sparry.
2010-006. (Photo Bev Pegg). Len Thwaites; Martin Veasey; Ken Wright;
Norman Field; Roger Heeley; Tony Pipkin; Bev Pegg.
2010-007. (Photo Dave Wood.) Dave Johnson; Dave Wood.
2010-008. (Photo Jim Denham). Chris Staunton; Maurice Hunt;
Joe Lees; John McKinley (half obscured).
2010-009. (Photo Brian Cotton). Roger Heeley; Roy Hubbard; Roger Heath;
Gary Allcock; Tony Pipkin; Brian Cotton.
2010-10. (Photo Keith Garner). Brian Lawrence; Keith Garner; Pete Brown;
Bob Smith; Dave Braidley.
2010-011. Frans Sjöström; Spats Langham; Nick Ward; Mike Durham;
Paul Munnery; Keith Nichols; Norman Field.
2010-012. (Photo Richard Leach). Graham Smith.
2011-001. (Photo Andy Peate). Mike Burney.
2011-002. (Photo Geoff Sansome) Bob Pearce.
2011-003. (Photo Geoff Sansome). Geoff Sansome.
2011-004. (Photo Geoff Sansome). Griff Thomas.
2011-005. (Photo Geoff Sansome). Dennis Holmes.
2011-006. (Photo John Noddings). John Noddings; Ron Hills;
Dennis Mowatt; George Huxley.
2011-007. (Photo Keith Garner). Stan Stephens; Keith Garner; Pete Brown;
Jim Denham; Dave Wilkinson; Phil Matthews.
2012-003. (Photo ‘Jazz 90’). Dave Boxold; John McGregor.
2012-005. (Photo Keith Garner). Stan Stephens; Keith Garner; Jim Denham;
Dave Wilkinson, Pete Brown; Phil Matthews.
2013-001. (Photo Terry McGrath). Phil Probert; Sheila Fawkes; Mark Johnson.
2013-002. (Photo Dave Braidley). Clinton Sedgley; Chris Carmell; Bob Pearce;
Dave Andrews; Bob Smith; Dave Braidley.
2013-008. (Photo Gary Bell). Bryn Venus.
2013-009. (Photo Dave Braidley). Rod Williams; Peter Roberts; Chris Carmell;
Dave Braidley; Keith Prescott; John Nicholls.
2013-010. (Photo Keith Garner). Keith Garner; Bob Smith; Jim Denham;
Glyn Bennett; Ken Eatch (obscured); Pete Brown.
2014-003. (Photo Andy Peate). Frank Leadon.
2014-004. (Photo Andy Peate). Ray Brown; Bob Lloyd; Dennis Mowatt; Norman Field;
Terry McGrath; Tim McGrath; Jim Denham; John Smith; Clive Allsopp.
2014-005. (Photo Andy Peate). Jim Denham; Bob Lloyd (obscured); Dennis Mowatt;
Tim McGrath; Terry McGrath (obscured); Brian Mellor; Arthur Brown; John Smith.
2014-006. (Photo Andy Peate). Ray Brown.
2014-007. (Photo Andy Peate). Trevor Lines.
2014-008. (Photo Andy Peate). Tim and Allan Jones.
2014-009. (Photo Dave Braidley). Dave Braidley; Chris Carmell; Wayne Scott;
Peter Roberts; Rod Williams; Keith Prescott.
2014-010. (Photo Tony Quinn). Jon Stone.
2014-011. (Photo Tony Quinn). Geoff Goodwin.
2014-012. (Photo Tony Quinn). Clinton Sedgley.
2014-013. (Photo Tony Quinn). Geoff Goodwin; Dave Boxold; Jon Stone;
Tony Quinn; Dave Coles; Clinton Sedgley.
2015-001 (Photo Dave Browne). Bob Smith.
2015-002 (Photo Dave Browne). Pete Brown.
2015-003 (Photo Dave Browne). Jim Denham.
2015-004 (Photo Dave Browne). Brian Lawrence.
2015-005 (Photo Dave Browne). Stan Stephens; Jim Denham.
2015-006. (Photo Andy Peate). Andy Peate; Dennis Mowatt; Matt Palmer.
2015-007. (Photo Peter Carlton). Henry Newman.
2015-008. (Photo Bev Pegg). Tony Pipkin; Andy Leggett; Bev Pegg; Martin Veasey.
2015-009. (Photo Bev Pegg). Roger Heeley; Martin Veasey; Dave Leithead;
Zoltan Sagi; Bob Boucher; Ken Wright; Bev Pegg.
2015-010. (Photo Geoff Sansome). John Edgar; Dennis Clarke; Geoff Sansome;
Dave Andrews; Terry McGrath; Griff Thomas.
2015-011. (Photo Dave Braidley). Dave Braidley; Chris Carmell.
2015-012. (Photo Dave Braidley). Geoff Holtom.
2015-013. (Photo Dave Braidley). Dave Braidley; Keith Prescott;
Chris Carmell; Peter Roberts; Rod Williams; Dave Andrews.
2015-015. (Photo Jeffrey Matthews). Dave Boxold; Tony Billingsley; two girls;
Jeffrey Matthew; Geoff Holtom.
2015-016. (Photo Glyn Phillips). Henry Newman; Simon ‘Smudge’ Smith;
Glyn Phillips; Sonia ‘Indigo’ Clarke; Mark Brown.
2016-001. (Photo Terry McGrath). Dennis Armstrong; Mike Haslum (obscured);
Watty Wathen; possibly Ken Freeman (in mirror!); Jim Wood.
2016-002. (Photo Ingrid Hines). Norman Field; Terry Roberts; Dennis Mowatt;
Roger Bird; Cormac Loane; Roy Dutton; Tony Davis; Terry McGrath;
Jim Denham; Roger Heeley; Ron Hills.
2016-003. (Photo Terry McGrath). Andy Peate; Pink Gary Williams;
Jim Denham; Smokin’ Ade Wakelin.
2016-004. (Photo Terry Thomas). Barry Norman.
2017-001 (Photo Peter Carlton). Andy Peate; Allan Jones; Tony Billingsley;
Peter Carlton; Derrick Brown.
2017-002. (Photo Terry McGrath). Tom ‘Spats’ Langham; Gary Bell;
Andy Lowe; Dave ‘Spud’ Taylor.
2017-003 (Photo Robert Girling). Arthur Brown.
2017-004. (Photo Andy Peate). Bill Coleman; Yolanda Penn; Andy Peate.0
2017-005 (Photo Gary Bell). Bobby Johnson.
2017-006. (Photo Gary Bell). Janice Williamson; Vic Evans.
2017-007. (Photo Andy Peate). Cormac Loane.
2017-008. (Photo Bev Pegg). Roger Mainwaring; Tony Pipkin; Len Thwaites; Martin Veasey;
Phil Probert; Ken Wright; Bev Pegg; John…
2017-009. (Photo Bev Pegg). Len Thwaites; Martin Veasey; Bev Pegg; Tony Pipkin;
Andy Leggett; Rose Johnson; Peter Johnson; Janice Williamson. (Thanks to Dave Deakin for extra info.)
2017-010. (Photo Geoff Sansome). Steve Slater; Geoff Goodwin; Dave Andrews;
Geoff Sansome; George Linder; Dave ‘Spud’ Taylor.
2017-011. (Photo Keith Garner). Eric Newton; Keith Garner; Pete Brown; Dave Deakin.
2018-001. (Photo Terry McGrath). Johnny Everett; John Stone;
Geoff Holtom (obscured); Dave Deakin.
2018-002. (Photo Terry McGrath). Pete Ainge; Ken Wright; Bob Boucher.
2018-003. (Photo Sarah Tweed). Norman ‘Phil’ Phillips; Edgar Macias;
Jim Denham; John McKinley.
2018-004. (Photo Andy Peate). Clive Morton.
2018-005. (Photo Gary Bell). Dave Johnson; Dave Wesley-Smith;
Dave Wood; Stan Stephens.
2018-006. (Photo Gary Bell). Terry McGrath; Gary Bell; Andy Lowe;
Phil Probert; Sheila Fawkes; Mark Johnson. needs fixing)
2018-007. (Photo Gary Bell). Gary Bell; Bobby Johnson.
2018-009. (Photo Gary Bell). Reg Reid; Jim Sutton; Graham Nock (obscured);
Gary Bell; Bobby Johnson.
2018-010 (photo?) Vic Evans.
2018-011. (Photo Gary Bell). Roger Armstrong.
2018-012. (Photo Dave Wood). Stan Stephens; Dave Smith; Allan Jones;
Dave Wood; Dave Johnson.
2018-013. (Photo Glyn Phillips). Harry Christian; Steve Slater; Glyn Phillips;
Tony Billingsley; Barbara Taylor; Henry Newman; Alan Wilkes; Geoff Goodwin.
2018-014. (Photo Richard Leach). Dave Deakin; Arthur Brown; Dave Wood.
2019-001 (Photo Bridget Ashfield). John McKinley; Harry Christian; Ray Brown; Tony Billingsley; Jim Denham.
2019-002. (Photo Terry McGrath). George Linder; John Bodenham; Jim Denham;
Chris Carmell; Chris Mercer; Mark Johnson; Dave Braidley.
2019-003. (Photo Jon Stone). John Bodenham; Jon Stone;
Graham Smith (obscured); Peter Roberts; Dave Deakin.
2019-004. (Photo Jon Stone). Nick Wiltshire; Ron Hills; Jim Harney;
Jon Stone; Bob Boucher; Robin Mason. needs mendng…
2019-005. (Photo Jennifer Dougan). Roger Heath.
2019-006. (Photo Vicki MacWinyers). Simon “Smudge” Smith; Mike Bethell.
2019-007. (Photo Vicki MacWinyers). Simon “Smudge” Smith; Mike Bethell; Richard Adey.
2019-008. (Photo Ingrid Hines). Carl Astley.
2019-009. (Photo Ingrid Hines). Robbie Harper.
2019-010. (Photo Ingrid Hines). Jim Denham; Bob Rae.
2019-011 (Photo Philip Holmberg). Pete Ainge; Derrick Brown (obscured).
2019-012. (Photo Philip Holmberg). Jim Sutton.
2019-013. (Photo Philip Holmberg). Wal Warmington.
2019-014. (Photo Jennifer Dougan.) Terry McGrath (trombone only); Tony Billingsley; Ray Brown;
Edgar Macias; Brian Mellor; Andy Peate (obscured); Peter Carlton.
2019-015. (Photo Jennifer Dougan). Sarah Tweed.
2019-016. (Photo Bev Pegg). Dave Browning (rear); Martin Veasey; Ken Wright;
Dave Liethead; Jim Sutton; Zoltan Sagi; Bev Pegg.
2019-017. (Photo Garry Corbett). Tony Billingsley; Steve Slater; Peter Carlton;
Glyn Phillips; Dave Boxold.
2019-018. (Photo Garry Corbett). Glyn Phillips.
2019-019. (Photo Richard Leach). Richard Leach; Simon Smith; Arthur Brown;
Tim Jones; Matt Palmer; Brian Mellor.
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